Strengthen teamwork, leadership, and communication.
Embrace the teachings of the Dharma in relevant + engaging ways.
Create an open environment which nurtures lifelong friendships.
Encourage self reflection + self expression.
Have fun!
Teamwork, Leadership, and Communication
Fun and challenging activities will give campers the opportunity to engage in critical thinking and problem solving together.
Teachings of the Dharma
Showing compassion, being mindful, understanding impermanence, and interconnectedness. We invite respected mentors + leaders from different communities to share their thoughts with you.
An Open Environment
All genders, faiths, and cultures are welcome! We observe + implement Buddhist practices throughout camp, but you do NOT need to be Buddhist to attend.
Self Reflection +
Self Expression
Through Dharma talks, discussions, and self-interest projects, we encourage open expression in a safe environment. We hope these values will continue beyond our days at camp.
Have FUN!
In case you’re wondering… we do all the FUN camp stuff too! Singing, dancing, campfire + s’mores, cabin bonding, and lots of games.